Practice those tough convos

Checking in on a workmate should be as simple as wearing hi-vis onsite.

It isn’t always easy, but it can make the world of difference.

Use this app to practice tough convos with a workmate who’s going through a hard time.
An IPC Health project
IPC Health
In collaboration with
Hope Assistance Local TradiesNo Moss Co - Digital Product Design
A Movember funded project
A Movember Funded Project
80% of tradies surveyed, report that "there are things about tradie culture that make it challenging to talk about mental health”. 

96% admitted they wanted to be able to talk to their mates about mental health, but they "would be unsure what to say” and are "worried to say the wrong thing”

Practice reaching out to a workmate in need

Supported by A.I.

Chop Out Convos is supported by A.I., so don't worry about stuffing this convo up.

Pick your opening lines and responses, or type your own.

Receive guidance and feedback during your practice conversation.

Learn A.L.E.C

A.L.E.C. is a reliable and tested mental health framework developed by R U OK? and used by Movember.

Practice real scenarios

Worried about a workmate who doesn’t seem himself? Want to chat to a workmate about a gambling or alcohol problem but don’t know how to start? Practice real scenarios experienced by tradies.

Built by tradies, for tradies

An authentic, expert team collaborated on this app, with consultation from tradies, mental health experts and counsellors.

A Movember funded project

Movember invests in specific programs and initiatives under the guidance of expert advisory committees.

Tradies report improvement in their confidence to reach out to workmates by using Chop Out Convos to learn A.L.E.C.

Here's some beta-user feedback...
“It's a good app to have. It's an app to teach you how to help your mates, and puts you into the situation yourself… I like the name "Chop Out" a lot. It's such an Aussie tradie term to use. Give your mate a chop out, give him a helping hand… I saw the name Chop Out, it put a smile on my face.”
“The Chop Out convos give a good example of what to say in real-life situations. The app could help people be reassured in the way to start a conversation with a fellow colleague and access support."
“I think the most valuable thing for me with this app is being able to gain an understanding of how to reach out better to others going through something similar to what I went through with my mental health.“

Winner of Good Design Awards for Social Impact and Digital Design.

An authentic, expert team collaborated to design and build this app, in consultation with tradies, mental health experts and counsellors.

Chop Out Convos received two prestigious Good Design Award Winner accolades in recognition for outstanding design and innovation.

Built by tradies for tradies.
2023 Good Design Award Winner for Social Impact
2023 Good Design Award Winner for Digital Design
“Chop Out Convos is a simple, clean, and intuitive app that directly addresses a gap in mental health support. Congratulations on a brilliant use of co-design and AI integration. The Jury commends the design team for this outstanding project and for setting the bar for good design in this category. Seriously well done on this project that will do doubt make a positive impact on people's lives.”
The 2023 Awards Jury
Good Design Australia

2023 Winner of Silver Anthem Award for Best Use of AI in Health

“The Anthem Awards were born out of the desire to amplify and celebrate the voices that are creating sustainable change and to inspire others to take action,” said Patricia McLoughlin, Anthem Awards General Manager.

“In a year where so much is at stake, it is incredibly important to recognise impact work and celebrate the progress happening globally. Congratulations to all of this year’s Winners.”

Practice reaching out to a workmate in need

Because tradies tend to be more isolated due to work and care about the people they work with and their wellbeing.